
1. 太極拳を学び始めてからどのくらいになりますか?
2. 学び始めてから、身体的もしくは精神的に何か変わったことはありますか?
3. コーチの教え方は如何でしたか?
4. 知り合いの方に太極拳を学ぶことを勧めますか?それはなぜですか?
1. How long have you been practicing Wu style taichi?
15 months. I had never studied any type of taichi before that.
2. Has anything changed, either physically or mentally, since you started practicing it?
The most obvious physical changes have been in my posture and in the significant strengthening of my legs. I came to my first taichi lesson with a number of problems with my posture, some of which I was unaware of until the taichi coach pointed them out to me. Since then he has been patiently working with me to correct them. The stronger legs have made it easier for me to take long walks and to climb stairs without getting tired. In addition, I have gradually had fewer problems with my knees, I suspect as a consequence of healthier leg muscles, and possibly because of improved posture as well.
It is difficult to neatly distinguish between physical and mental processes, since they are so closely intertwined. Better posture and stronger muscles are likely to lead to a healthier mental outlook since they foster deeper breathing and improved metabolism. In addition, taichi requires the practitioner to identify tense parts of the body and to relax them; I am still not good at this, but have gradually gotten better.
3. How have you found the way your coach has been teaching you?
My coach is so patient and diligent with his guidance that I wonder how he maintains his prodigious reservoir of energy and motivation. The pressure, and even ridicule, one sometimes finds in other, non-taichi coaching settings does not seem to be a feature of this type of learning.
A coach has to make constant, difficult judgments as to how much to correct, and challenge, a particular student at any given time. My coach has been thoughtful about these judgments, making adjustments as appropriate.
4. Would you recommend that other people do Taichi and why?
Unreservedly, yes. In addition to the positive benefits I noted above, one learns a lot about how the body works and reduces the probability of injury. Moreover, the learning process is enjoyable, stimulating, and low-pressure.
I feel honoured to have made an appearance on my 師兄‘s blog. Since it has been a while since I wrote the comments he posted, I have something to add now, which is that I have been intrigued by how many layers of learning there are in 太極. Just when I feel I am becoming familiar with certain aspects of the practice, I discover an entirely new layer underneath that I hadn't noticed at all previously. You feel as if you are exploring a place that keeps offering new and surprising roads to wander down.